【10月29日】Jingli Luo:Development of Alternative Fuel Cells

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2014-10-28 点击量:

讲座题目:Development of Alternative Fuel Cells

时间及地点 :2014 10 29 上午9:00 国家防伪中心六楼会议室

Jingli Luo博士,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化学与材料工程系教授,于1982年在北京科技大学获得学士学位后加入北京钢铁学院工作,1986年赴加拿大麦克马斯特大学材料科学与工程系留学并于1992年获得博士学位。1992年起在麦克马斯特大学材料研究所从事博士后研究,1995年加入阿尔伯塔大学工作至今,期间2003-2004年获得阿尔伯塔大学McCalla教授奖。Jingli Luo教授具有很深的学术造诣,目前主要从事在固体氧化物燃料电池、脱氢催化剂、质子导电膜等方面的研究工作,近五年在国际著名期刊中发表学术论文近80篇。

Development of Alternative Fuel Cells

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) require stable and active electrodes, and stable and conductive electrolytes. We invented several such materials, which enabled development of SOFC for use of non-conventional fuels such as H2S and industrial syngas (H2, CO, plus smaller amounts of contaminants). These new materials and processes enable economic use of what is otherwise considered waste or pollution. Thus these technologies are very “green” in their applications. We are developing new technology for manufacture of ethylene and electrical power, more selectively than present processes. A series of new batteries is being developed that proffer high-power density and stable performance. We investigate electrochemical behaviour of materials, develop models and apply them in design of materials for power generation, e.g. nuclear plants, to reduce stress corrosion cracking of materials. We create protocols to reduce costs and improve safety of Canadian industries. We also develop new surface modification methods for biomaterials such as dental implants and joint replacement structures, to improve their biocompatibility.

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